Global SEO

Analytics and Reports

WebCEO reports

Monitor your campaigns. Turning Data into actionable insights.

SEO & PPC reports not only show your campaign progress but reflect highly on our capability as well.

Automatic Report Mailing Tool

Think beyond conversions. WE provide metrics that are traffic and conversion focussed. Our reporting team spends extensive time and effort in analysis that delivers actionable insights to drive sales and conversions. Understand which campaign on what platform is giving you maximum returns and leverage that platform. We want you to solely focus on your business and leave reporting solely to us.

Easy to understand

Data and analytics generated directly through campaigns is a sea of data and anyone can drown in that easily. We ensure that we only present those metrics to clients that are most relevant for them to make business decision and help them redefine their business objectives.


All the data is provided in such an intuitive manner that it’s very easy for you to just scan through it and make decisions based on that within few minutes. Data is drawn in from multiple sources in real time. Charts and visualizations aid in decision making with focus on only relevant elements.

Customer Metrics

Insights from your customers is most helpful in devising your business strategy. We provide you complete range of data what your customers were looking for and where they were looking for thereby advising you where your ads should be placed.

Scheduled Reports

Reports are generated weekly with hidden trends to keep close tab on the campaigns. We do all the hard work for you in preparing the reports. You can analyse your paid and organic campaigns to measure which is giving you maximum returns.